– TW

Nameserver Details:

  • DNS IP Address:
  • DNS Name: h83-203-73-92.seed.net.tw.
  • Country: TW
  • City: Taipei


DNS: h83-203-73-92.seed.net.tw.

DNS Version: Sparq DNS

DNS Reliability: 0.97

Last DNS check: 2015-06-28 07:45:29 +0200

First DNS check: 2014-12-29 19:00:04 +0100

DNS, VPN, Smart DNS – WTF?

VPN: Virtual Private Network, a virtual tunnel through the Internet to bypass censorship or geo-restrictions for content like Netflix, Amazon Video or others.

DNS: Domain Name Server - a server on the internet which tells your computer at which IP address a specific domain name can be found. Many times, DNS Servers are used to censor certain Websites by not resolving the IP address or redirecting it.

Smart DNS: A technology / hack to route only packets from/to a specific DNS and IP address to re-route traffic from sites like Netflix and enable devices like Smart TV´s to unblock from other countries.

DNS Server by Country: